
[ KMPlayer APP ] Video Player KMPlayer, Global 1 day download Achieved 1Million!

KMPlayer team came with good news!

The KMPlayer app has achieved 1 million downloads per day globally!

Since the renewal of the KMPlayer app in February 2020, 

we have communicated with users and created KMPlayer together.

Through reviews full of users' interest and love, 

new features have been updated or existing functions have improved more.

And now users from various countries around the world are meeting KMPlayer.

This happy news is all thanks to your interest and love!

Thank you very much!

We will continue to be a KMPlayer full of fun and emotion!

Thank you.

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[ MovieBloc ] MBL Giveaway Log in Event!


In this post, we introduce the MovieBloc event.

Move to MovieBloc >>

MBL Giveaway Log in Event!

If you log in to MovieBloc,

100 users will randomly be selected per day for free MBL for $1 USD worth

 Event Date 

August 17th, 2021 ~ November 24th 2021, 

100 days

(Log in time based on UTC)

 How to participate in the event 

When you log in to MovieBloc, 

you automatically participate in the event.

 Winner announcement schedule 

Announcement at 5 a.m. on the following day and giving at 6 a.m.

(based on UTC)

For more details, you can visit below link

Read More

Thank you!

Go to MovieBloc login!

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[ KMPlayer ] Buy KMPlayer team a coffee.

KMPlayer provide high-quality video players like KMPlayer, 64X, android, ios.

Products by KMPlayer

  • KMPlayer : KMPlayer is a world-renowned multimedia player that can play movies, dramas, music, and other content with an average of 1.5 billion plays a month.
  • KMPlayer 64X : KMPlayer 64X is a player optimized for high-end PCs such as 8K and 60FPS.
  • KMPlayer for Mobile : HD video player that can support smartphones and tablets, and play up to 4k, 8k UHD video quality.
  • KMP for Mobile : KMP is video player which is the light and easy one that can be played in anytime.

Please be a supporter of KMPlayer team.


We are doing our best to develop with heartful mind for KMPlayer might be with your best time.

If you satisfied with our proud product, why don’t you buy us a coffee?

That coffee you buy help us to concentrate on develop and be a encouragement and praise.


Sponsorship will be use for as belows.

    • Operation fee
    • Server & website compensation
    • Translate fee for Global users
    • Device purchase cost for environment test
    • Office maintenance cost
    • PR fee


A cup of coffee’ Value is enough.

   Buy Me A Coffee

Please be a translation volunteer for KMPlayer.

KMPlayer's translation volunteers help KMPlayer cross language and borders.

Translation volunteers create KMPlayer together by translating or reviewing KMPlayer's text.

If you want to be a translation volunteer for KMPlayer, feel free to contact the KMPlayer team.

KMPlayer Team's email : support@kmplayer.com

Please build together for better KMPlayer.

Thank you.

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[ KMPlayer 64X ] Let's play neatly without a control box!




Do you like watching game-related content while playing games?

Do you like watching movies while doing other things on your computer?

Do you like taking notes on your computer while listening to video lectures?

If so, here's a tip for KMPlayer 64X!


The tip I'm going to introduce this time is [ Default Control Autohide mode ]!

If you use this mode, the top and bottom control boxes are hidden.


STEP 1 ) Click [ Right mouse button > View > Default Control Autohide mode ].

STEP 2 ) Confirm that [ Default Control Autohide mode ] is applied.

Please use the [ Default Control Autohide mode ] function of KMPlayer 64X a lot.

Thank you.


[ KMPlayer VIP ] Crop Video & Crop Audio

Added KMPlayer Edit menu!

In the KMPlayer Edit menu, you can quickly and easily use VIP functions such as media cropping, GIF creation, and MP3 extraction.

Also, because GIF files and MP3 files created using each VIP function are gathered, it can be played quickly. 

This useful KMPlayer Edit menu can be moved by clicking “KMP Edit” in [ Home tab > Toolbox ]!

In this post, we will use “Media Crop”, a VIP function added with the KMPlayer Edit menu.

Media Cropping supports a total of two functions.

  1. Crop Video : The ability to crop the desired part of the video.
  2. Crop Audio : The ability to cut the desired part of the audio.

Crop Video

STEP 1) Click [Crop Video] and select the video.

STEP 2) Specify the start and end of the video you want to crop.

STEP 3) Click the confirm button.

Click the Save button on the preview screen and you're done!

Crop Audio

STEP 1) Click [Crop Audio] and select the audio.

STEP 2) Specify the start and end of the audio you want to cut and click the Scissors button.

Crop Audio function can cut from one audio file to multiple files.

STEP 3) Click the confirm button.

Click the Save button on the preview screen and you're done!

Thank you.


[ KMPlayer APP ] Use the media lock function!

 Tips for using KMPlayer APP #MediaLock


KMPlayer APP supports media lock function.

If you use the media lock function for a video or music file in KMPlayer APP,

you can play the video or music only in the lock tab.


In this post, we will use the media lock feature.


First, set a password in the lock tab

STEP 1) Go to the [My Tab > My Tab's Key Tab (Lock Tab)] screen.


STEP 2) If no password has been set, set a password.

(caution! If you forget your password, you will need to reset the app. )

Second, using the media lock function

STEP 1) Click the More button of the media you want to lock.

STEP 2) Press the Media Lock menu.

Media using the media lock function is not visible in the list.


Third, check the media in the lock tab

STEP 1) Go to the [My Tab > My Tab's Key Tab (Lock Tab)] screen.

STEP 2) Enter your password.

Fourth, unlocking

STEP 1) In the Lock tab, click the Media's More button.

STEP 2) Click the Unlock menu.

Thank you.

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[ KMPlayer APP ] Create your own KMPlayer with Home screen setting.

Tips for using KMPlayer APP #HomeScreenSetting

I don't want to see features I don't need!

I want to arrange the screens in the order I use them often!

The KMPlayer APP can freely change the composition of the home screen.

In this post, We will change the composition of the home screen.

STEP 1) Click the 'Home Screen Setting' icon at the top of the home screen.

When clicked, it moves to the 'Home Screen Setting' screen.

STEP 2) In the Home Screen Setting, specify the order and ON/OFF for each group.

STEP 3) Setup complete!

Enjoy videos with KMPlayer APP!

Thank you.

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[ KMPlayer APP ] Create multiple playlists with My List

 Tips for using KMPlayer APP #MyList

There are videos and music that match your situation, such as parties, drives, and reading.

For example, just like there are music that each person listens to on a rainy day!

With KMPlayer APP, you don't have to find the same music and videos every time depending on the situation!

You can make your own playlist “MyList” in advance!

In this post, We will create MyList!

First way to add!

STEP 1) Go to the MyList tab.

How to move MyList : : My Tab > First Tab

STEP 2) Click the + button (Make New Mylist).

Then enter a name for MyList and click ‘OK’. 

STEP 3) Click the More button on the specific media in the media list.

Click on "Add Mylist". Then select the Mylist to which you want to add the media.

Mylist is added!

Second way to add!

STEP 1) Click the More button on the specific media in the media list.

Click on "Add Mylist". 

STEP 2) Click the + button (Make New Mylist).

Then enter a name for MyList and click ‘OK’. 

Mylist is added!

Play on MyList!

STEP 1) Go to the MyList tab.

After selecting MyList to play, first select the video to play.

Thank you.


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[ KMPlayer APP ] Create an easy-to-use video player with quick button settings.


First ) The quick button doesn't have the function I want!

Second ) I want to use all the functions of the video player as a quick button!

Third ) I want to use a neat video player without a quick button!

Have you ever thought about the above while using a video player?

Try using the Quick Button setting in the KMPlayer APP!

KMPlayer APP can use all the menus of the video player as quick buttons.

In this post, we will use the quick button setting.

STEP 1) Run the video. Then, click the pencil button next to the quick button on the video player screen. 

STEP 2) On the Quick Button Setup screen, click the menu that you want to set as the Quick Button.

STEP 3) Change the order of the selected quick buttons.

STEP 4) Now try using the quick button! 

Enjoy videos with KMPlayer APP!

Thank you.


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[ KMPlayer VIP ] Create your own KMPlayer theme – VIP Theme

 KMPlayer VIP – Make your own wallpaper theme with your Gallery.

In this post, we will create a "VIP Theme".

STEP 1) Run KMPlayer and click Theme in the toolbox area.

STEP 2) Click VIP THEME on the theme screen.

VIP THEME can be created using a default image or a user image.

STEP 3) Select an image to be used as the KMPlayer theme.

The selected image can be edited.

STEP 4) Choose a background color.

STEP 5) Adjust the background transparency.

STEP 5) Adjust the background blur concentration.

Complete your own KMPlayer theme!

Thank you.


[ KMPlayer VIP ] Extracting the video's audio to MP3, MP3 Converter

KMPlayer VIP – The MP3 converter function extracts the audio of the video and turns it into an MP3 file.

In this post, we will use the "MP3 converter function".

STEP 1) Run KMPlayer and click MP3 Maker in the toolbox area.

STEP 2) Click the Extracting MP3 or Floating button in the MP3 Maker folder.

Then select a video.

STEP 3) Select Tracks of audio to be extracted and Quality(128K, 196K, 256K, 320K) of MP3 files.

MP3 extraction complete!

STEP 4) The extracted MP3 files can be shared & played & renamed right away.

STEP 5) Play with extracted MP3 files! 

Thank you.

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[ KMPlayer VIP ] Create meme(GIF) in Advanced Mode

 KMPlayer VIP - GIF Toast feature has two mode.

1. Easy mode : You can create funny meme by easy mode just click on sector and speed.

2. Advanced mode : You can also create gif from your favorite movie precisely with many diverse option from advanced mode like trimming, section adjustment, FPS and frame select.

In this posting, We will make a meme(GIF) in "Advanced mode". 

STEP 1) Launch KMPlayer and select a video to make into meme(GIF).

STEP 2) Click the [More > GIF] button and select Advanced Mode from the Mode Selection screen.

STEP 3) Select the section to be made into GIF and click Next Stage.

- Select a section using the crop button

- Section selection using the 'Specify the start' and 'Specify the end' buttons 

- Section selection using the '+' and '-' buttons 

STEP 4) Adjust the GIF options. (Frame start & end, FPS, size, quality)

- Select the start and end of the frame

- Adjust FPS and size.

- Select quality.

STEP 5) Press the Creating button.

STEP 6) Check the created GIF on the preview screen.

To save to my smartphone, click the Save icon!

Make a fun meme with KMPlayer VIP!

Thank you.

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